© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. · 2013-01-08 · You must optimize your hormonal...

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Transcript of © 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. · 2013-01-08 · You must optimize your hormonal...

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24/7 Fat Loss DIET MANUAL


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Legal Disclaimer

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute

for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and

care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with

any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician

and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the

recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Joel

Marion Fitness Solutions, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your

use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish

and release any claim which you may have against Joel Marion Fitness Solutions, LLC, or its

affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a

result of, the use or misuse of the program.

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Welcome to the Diet Manual!

Alright, we’re not going to waste a lot of time with a bunch of ―fluff‖ in this manual,

instead, we’re going to get right in to exactly what you want to know: the

specifics of the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet.

Having said that, I do feel that it is important that you understand WHY you’re

doing what you’re doing, so we’re going to briefly start off with a discussion of the

principles that govern the diet as a whole, along with the different types of

techniques you'll see employed throughout the program. Without this info the

rest of the program is going to make ZERO sense to you, so make sure you read

and absorb (besides, it’s pretty cool stuff). Here we go.

The #1 Rule of 24/7 Fat Loss Nutrition:

You must optimize your hormonal environment for fat loss (at all times)

Simply put, if you want to burn fat at all times, your body must be in a fat burning

state at all times. The only way to achieve this is by optimizing your body's fat

burning hormones around the clock, and it's done through the use of four unique

methods employed in the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet:

1) Nutrient Combining

Now, you probably already know that you should be eating a mix of high quality

proteins, healthy fats, and fibrous carbohydrates daily.

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What you may not know is how you combine these nutrients can and will have a

profound effect on your body's hormonal response to each meal, and therefore

your fat loss.

Avoiding the "Deadly Combination"

When your goal is to avoid fat storage, it's critical to avoid the presence of fatty

acids and storage hormones (such as insulin) in your blood stream at the same


Why, because Storage + Fat = Fat Storage.

When you consume dietary fat, fatty acids

are released in to the blood. When you

consume dietary carbohydrate, insulin is

secreted in to the blood to shuttle blood sugar

to its storage sites.

Putting 2 and 2 together, you can see that the

two nutrients we'll want to avoid consuming

together in appreciable amounts are carbs and fat.

Carbs cause the storage hormone insulin to be released. Fat ingestion leads to

large amounts of fatty acids in the blood. Insulin + fat = fat storage.

To avoid the problematic situation, we follow this simple rule with the 24/7 Fat

Loss Diet: Consume protein with every meal. Add either carbs or fat (but not


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Of course, it's rarely possible to consume ZERO fat or ZERO carbs since most

foods have trace amounts of both; just be sure to keep the "unwanted" nutrient

under ten grams in each meal.

To recap, here are the two "approved" types of nutrient combining:

1. Protein + Fat meals (with less than 10 grams of carbs)

2. Protein + Carb meals (with less than 10 grams of fat)

You'll see these two types of meals throughout the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet.

So now you know what nutrients to eat together. But, when should you eat a

Protein + Carb meal and when should you eat meals that contain Protein + Fat?

2) Carb Syncing™

Contrary to popular belief, the key to fat loss is not avoiding carbs, it's learning to

consume them only when your body is most primed to "handle" them best. This

comes at two different times of day:

1. In the morning

2. After intense exercise

For one, loads of research has shown that glucose tolerance is highest in the

morning, making it a no brainer to consume a large portion of your daily carb

intake at breakfast when your body is best equipped to process them.

When consuming frequent meals like we do in the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet, mid-

morning is another great option.

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Basically, the rule is this: eat your carbs in the morning, not the afternoon or



…you’re performing intense exercise.

Perhaps an even better time to eat carbs is after exercise. During the 1-2 hour

window post workout your body is ultra primed to suck up carbs for recovery,

energy replenishment, and other anabolic processes (and NOT fat storage).

So, should you choose to work out in the afternoon, evening carbs can actually

be beneficial to your fat loss results and there's no better time to consume the

majority of your daily carb allotment than immediately following your workout.

BUT, there is an ideal situation; a "best

of both worlds" if you will. And that's

where you schedule your workout in the

morning and consume all your carbs

early in the day.

We call this Carb Syncing™ because

you "sync" your carbohydrate intake

with a time window in which your body

is literally CRAVING carbs.

This is the recommended approach for the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet. If at all possible,

you'll be scheduling your workouts in the morning and consuming all your carbs

in the morning hours.

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Now, if morning workouts are absolutely out of the question for you due to

scheduling, have no worries, we'll have an afternoon workout option for you as


Here are some sample daily ‖carb-syncing‖ schedules for resistance training


Sample Resistance Training Day (Morning Workout) – Recommended:

Breakfast: protein/carbs

Mid-morning: protein/carbs

Lunch: protein/carbs

Mid-afternoon: protein/fat

Evening: protein/fat

NOTE: In this scenario, your post workout beverage is either your Breakfast or

Mid-morning meal depending on the time you work out.

Resistance Training Day (Afternoon Workout):

Breakfast: protein/carbs

Mid-morning: protein/fat

Lunch: protein/fat

Late Afternoon Workout Beverage: protein/carbs

Evening (after exercise): protein/carbs

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On non-resistance training days we will be going with a low carb style diet to

keep insulin low and maximize the increased metabolic effect of the Metabolic

Resistance Training sessions you'll be performing on resistance training day.

Sample Non-Resistance Training Day:

Breakfast: protein/fat

Mid-morning: protein/fat

Lunch: protein/fat

Mid-afternoon: protein/fat

Evening: protein/fat

Nutrient Combining and Carb Syncing™ are the two tools you need to keep your

body in a fat burning state 24 hours a day. Combined with the heightened

metabolism effects of metabolic resistance and VIIT training, you'll be optimizing

your weekly fat loss like never before, all without ever leaving a minute of fat loss

on the table.

That's THE BOMB. But there is another extremely important method you will be

utilizing every week: Strategic Overfeeding.

3) Strategic Overfeeding – Your Free Pass to Eat Pizza

So, you go on a diet, and week after week the weight continues to come off like

magic—eat less and exercise; that’s all there is to it.

Yeah righhhhhhhhht.

If only it were that simple.

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In fact, if it were, we’d probably all be sportin’ abs and bodies resembling those of

the supernatural Greeks—after all, the results in and of themselves would be

motivation enough to keep going.

Point in case:

I don’t know of anyone who went off a diet when things were smooth going and

fat was falling off at record speed, do you?

No…you don’t.

Unfortunately, the sad reality is that things just aint that easy.

Go on a diet and a few weeks later your body SCREWS you by doing everything

it can to keep you from losing fat further.

Now, while you may think that your body is a just a jerk, it’s actually much more

likely that your body cares deeply about you and is trying to protect you.


Well, you see, starving is not cool. Believe me, my friend John Romaniello tried

it and it totally wasn’t.

So, when you’re ―starving‖, your body attempts to counteract the lack of food by

―saving‖ your own body fat. Why? Simple: fat = warmth and energy (two very

important things for your survival when food just so happens to be scarce).

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The problem is that your body doesn’t really know the difference between

starving and dieting. After all, the latter is simply a ―planned‖ lesser degree of the


For those who didn’t quite catch that, dieting = starvation on a slightly lesser

scale. Bottom line, you’re taking in fewer calories than you need and to your

body that’s a problem, and a substantial


So what does it do to correct the problem?

Fun stuff: slows metabolism, decreases fat

burning hormones, increases fat storing

hormones, and ―protects‖ your current body

fat stores. All not good in terms of fat loss


The major player in this whole chain of

events is the hormone leptin. Consider

leptin the ―big daddy‖ hormone from which

all other weight loss hormones get their


In fact, leptin plays such a huge role in the starvation protection process that it’s

actually referred to as the ―anti-starvation‖ hormone.

Understanding leptin:

Leptin is regulated by two things. One is your calorie intake. A high calorie

intake equals high leptin levels while a low calorie intake equates to low leptin


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When leptin falls, so does metabolism and fat burning (which you don’t want, in

case you didn’t know).

So how do you ―diet‖ (i.e. eat fewer calories) without having low levels of leptin

causing your body to decrease metabolism and fat burning?

Interestingly enough, leptin’s waning response to dieting is a gradual one. It

takes about a week of dieting for leptin to significantly decline (by about half).

So, after that one single week—a whopping 7 days—you’re sitting there at about

50% of your fat burning potential.


Fortunately, there’s good news. Scratch that—GREAT news.

Let me ask you a question: Do you like pizza? Of course you do. Everyone

loves pizza and everyone knows that.

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You love this.

Now, what if I told you that you could use pizza (or any other food that you

absolutely love that ―diets‖ just don’t let you have) to reverse the negative

adaptations of dieting, skyrocket leptin levels, and send your body right back in to

the fat burning zone in as little as 24 hours.

It’s all true.

I know, tears of joy. In fact, I can remember the first time I read those 307

research papers on the regulation of human bodyweight and metabolism all

pointing to pizza for fat loss. I cried all night…and then ordered Papa John’s at

2am. It was awesome.

To summarize: while it takes about 7 days for leptin to decline significantly, it

only takes one day of overfeeding or ―cheating‖ to bring leptin levels back up to

normal and put your body back in to the fat burning zone.

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And that glorious day is what we refer to as Strategic Overfeeding. You get to

overfeed. It's strategic. You lose more fat. It's awesome.

And you know what? 1,000 calories of pizza works better than 1,000 calories of


(Apparently there are lame people who, when instructed to ―go off their diet‖,

respond by eating more oatmeal. I know, I know…me either…but it’s true.)

So, why does something like pizza work better? Well, the answer, as usual, is

research derived!

Hey, I’m a research junkie, which means as long as you continue to stick by my

side you’ll never have to read that boring crap yourself.

Anyway, the research shows that leptin is highly correlated with another

hormone: insulin. When insulin goes up, so does leptin, and vice versa. Which

foods have the highest insulin response? Those containing both high glycemic

carbohydrate + fat. In fact, the insulin response of these foods is said to be


So, stuff like Mac & Cheese, pizza, doughnuts, cookies, Reese’s® Peanut Butter

Cups, pastries, ice cream and anything else that combines carbs + fat all work

exceptionally well to raise leptin levels and reset metabolism.

You could of course go with a ―cleaner‖ choice like pasta + cheese (lasagna

anyone?) if you don’t want to eat cookies. I, however, will continue to enjoy my

Oreo ® Double Stuff ®.

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4) Bonus Strategy – Strategically Placed Fast Days

There’s no way around it, a pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you’re going to lose

a pound of fat, you’re going to have to create a 3500 calorie deficit (while keeping

your body in ―fat burning mode‖ at the same time). If you want to lose 10 lbs of

pure fat, that’ll require a 35,000 calorie deficit.

SIDE NOTE: Please realize that 10 lbs of pure fat loss will probably equate to

somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs of actual ―weight loss‖ due to the

simultaneous water loss that occurs any time you lose fat.

This is where the fast day comes in. After a cheat day your body is uber primed

for fat loss. To take full advantage, we do two things on the fast day:

1. Consume minimal calories (you’ll actually be consuming a small amount of

calories in the form of Branched Chain Amino Acids to prevent muscle

catabolism, but that’s it).

2. Always perform Metabolic Resistance Training to ramp up metabolism further.

With this type of strategic set-up (the post-cheat day massive calorie deficit), it’s

actually possible to burn a pound of pure fat in one day (considering that a pound

of fat loss a week is deemed a ―very good‖ rate of fat loss by most standards,

that’s pretty awesome).

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The 24/7 Fat Loss Diet Weekly Outline

NRT = Non-Resistance Training Diet

RT = Resistance Training Diet

BW = Body Weight

LBM = Lean Body Mass (Your Total Weight – Your Body Fat Weight)

P/C/F = Protein/Carbs/Fat

BCAAs = Branched Chain Amino Acids

P+C = Protein + Carbs

P+F = Protein + Fat

Day Diet Day Calorie Intake

Macro Breakdown

Meal Types

Monday Fast Day -- -- BCAAs Only 0.3g x BW

Tuesday NRT Diet

10 x LBM 40P/10C/50F 5 P+F

Wednesday RT Diet 12 x LBM 35P/40C/25F 3 P+C, 2 P+F

Thursday NRT Diet

10 x LBM 40P/10C/50F 5 P+F

Friday RT Diet 12 x LBM 35P/40C/25F 3 P+C, 2 P+F

Saturday NRT Diet

10 x LBM 40P/10C/50F 5 P+F

Sunday Cheat Day

-- -- --

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Carb Syncing™, Nutrient Combing, and Two

Types of Meals

On both Resistance and Non Resistance Training Diet Days you’re going to see

two different types of meals listed:

1. Protein + Fat (P+F)

2. Protein + Carbs (P+C)

Again, these are the two "approved" styles of meals that allow us to implement

the food combining principles we previously discussed (avoiding the "deadly

combination" of carbs and fat).

Secondly, this type of meal set up allows us to employ Carb Syncing® where you

will be eating carbs earlier in the day when insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate

tolerance are at their peak, while avoiding them in the later hours when these

things naturally decline.

For this reason, Resistance Training Diet Days will start with P+C meals around

your morning workout and transition to P+F meals later in the day. Non

Resistance Training Diet Days will follow a low carb style with 5 P+F meals.

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The “Numbers”

Resistance Training Diet Days

You'll follow the Resistance Training Diet Day schedule on days in which you

perform Metabolic Resistance Training; the only exception is the fast day in

which you will still perform MRT training, but will instead follow the Fast Day


On Resistance Training Diet Days you'll consume 12 x Lean Body Mass in

calories with a macronutrient breakdown of 35% Protein, 40% Carbohydrates,

and 25% fat.

**See Appendix A for calculating Lean Body Mass and Macronutrient

Breakdowns. If you purchased the Accelerator Pack, just use the Done-for-You

Calculator. If you didn’t purchase the Accelerator Pack, but don’t feel like being

bothered with calculations, you can purchase the Done-for-You Calorie

Calculator for just $9.95 HERE.

Morning meals will be protein + carb (minimal fat), and afternoon/evening meals

will be protein + fat (minimal carbs).

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NOTE: The final meal of each day is always the same. One scoop of

Prograde Protein® + 1 serving of EFA Icon®.

If you are unable to work out in the morning; here is what an afternoon workout

schedule looks like:

NOTE: The final meal of each day is always the same. One scoop of

Prograde Protein® + 1 serving of EFA Icon®.

Sample Resistance Training Day; Morning Workout (Recommended)

8:00 am – Breakfast Meal (P+C) 10:30 am – Mid-morning Meal (P+C) 1:00 pm – Lunch Meal (P+C) 4:00 pm – Mid-afternoon Meal (P+F) 6:30 pm – Dinner Meal (P+F) 10:00 pm – Pre-bed Snack (P+F)

Sample Resistance Training Day; Afternoon Workout

8:00 am – Breakfast Meal (P+C) 10:30 am – Mid-morning Meal (P+F) 1:00 pm – Lunch Meal (P+F) 4:00 pm – Workout Beverage (P+C) 6:30 pm – Dinner Meal (P+C) 10:00 pm – Pre-bed Snack (P+F)

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The protein will serve to provide amino acids to muscle tissue to offset muscle

breakdown as you sleep and facilitate recovery within the body. Also, research

has shown that the many benefits of fish oil are only seen once the compound is

absorbed in to the various cells of the body, thus it is recommended that you

consume EFA Icon just prior to bedtime to avoid these ―super fats‖ from simply

being burned as energy during the day.

Summary for Resistance Training Diet Days: Consume 12 x LBM in calories

with a macronutrient breakdown of 35% Protein, 40% Carbohydrates, 25% Fat.

Follow either the morning or afternoon workout timeline (the morning workout

timeline is recommended). Free veggies are permissible as desired.

Non Resistance Training Diet Days

On Non Resistance Training Diet Days you’ll consume 10 x Lean Body Mass in

calories with a macronutrient breakdown of 40% Protein, 10% Carbohydrates,

50% Fat.

**See Appendix A for calculating Lean Body Mass and Macronutrient

Breakdowns. If you purchased the Accelerator Pack, just use the Done-for-You

Calculator. If you didn’t purchase the Accelerator Pack, but don’t feel like being

bothered with calculations, you can purchase the Done-for-You Calorie

Calculator for just $9.95 HERE.

On Non Resistance Training Diet Days we will be following a low carb style diet

to keep insulin low and to maximize the effectiveness of the prolonged increase

in metabolism caused by the previous day's Metabolic Resistance Training


All meals will be protein + fat (minimal carbs).

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Naturally, there will be some "trace" amounts of carbs that naturally occur in the

various protein and fat sources you choose. Just aim to keep your daily carb

intake to less than 10% of total calories.

A sample timeline for Non Resistance Training Diet Days is below.

NOTE: The final meal of each day is always the same. One scoop of

Prograde Protein® + 1 serving of EFA Icon®.

Summary for Non Resistance Training Diet Days: Consume 10 x LBM in

calories with a macronutrient breakdown of 40% Protein, 10% Carbohydrates,

and 50% Fat. All meals on this day are P+F. Free veggies are permissible as


Cheat Day Guidelines

Every seven days you’ll be committing the dietary cardinal sin of ―going off your

diet‖ and having a full blown Cheat Day. Believe it or not, Cheat Days when

implemented strategically and properly can have a profound effect on

Sample Non Resistance Training Diet Day

8:00 am – Breakfast Meal (P+F) 10:30 am – Mid-morning Meal (P+F) 1:00 pm – Lunch Meal (P+F) 5:00 pm – Mid-afternoon Meal (P+F) 7:00 pm – Dinner Meal (P+F) 10:00 pm – Pre-bed Snack (P+F)

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

metabolism by boosting levels of the ―anti-starvation‖ hormone leptin and priming

the body for optimal fat burning over the course of the next week.

While there are no major restrictions on the types or quantities of food you eat

each day, there are a few loose ―guidelines‖ to adhere to:

Eat the foods you crave without feeling guilty

Don't get technical and start your Cheat Day at 12 a.m. on Sunday morning; start when you normally wake up on Sunday

Don't set the alarm for a very early time; start when you normally wake up on Sunday

Don't stuff yourself; eat until you're satisfied, not to the point of discomfort

Don't skip meals holding out for a single feast; eat throughout the day

Don't consume alcohol; one beer is fine, but alcohol consumption works against what we are trying to accomplish hormonally with the Cheat Day

Other than the above loose guidelines, you can eat whatever you want. And

you’ll be happy to know that over the course of the last 7 years, no matter which

way we’ve tested it, the ―eat-whatever-you-want‖ approach works best from a

results standpoint than any other more restrictive or controlled approach.

Summary for Cheat Days: Eat liberally throughout the day without stuffing

yourself; that’s it .

Fast Day Guidelines

The purpose of the post-cheat Fast Day is to create a massive calorie deficit

while the body is super primed to burn fat, and that’s exactly why it’s positioned

after a leptin-boosting Cheat Day.

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On this day you will consume nothing but fluids (non-calorie beverages in

moderation are OK, but water should comprise the majority of your fluid intake)

while strategically supplementing with Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) to

offset and prevent any catabolism of muscle.

To put it in simple terms, BCAAs are the ―best part‖ of protein. So, if you were to

consume 10 grams of BCAAs, you’re essentially consuming 10 grams of protein,

only it’s ―super protein‖.

The guidelines for BCAA intake on this day are as follows:

0.3 grams per pound of Body Weight (total body weight, not lean body mass)

split over 6 doses taken throughout the day.

So, for a 200 lb individual, they’d require 60 grams of BCAAs, split over 6 doses,

or six 10-gram doses taken throughout the day.

For a 150 lb individual, 45 grams of BCAAs, or six 7.5 gram doses taken

throughout the day.

You get the point – 0.3 x Body Weight split evenly over 6 doses throughout the


And, as I always do for my customers, I put in a few calls to get you a 15%

discount on one of the best BCAA blends on the market from Prograde Nutrition.

To get your discount, go to:

http://www.ProgradeDiscount.com and be sure to use the coupon code 247fl at


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Acceptable Carbohydrate Choices for Resistance Training Diet Days

Legumes: kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red

beans, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans, navy beans,


Fruit: apples, oranges, apricots, peaches, pears, grapes, kiwi, mango,

watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, rhubarb, plum, pineapple, papaya,

grapefruit, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries,

cranberries, cherries

No-sugar added apple sauce

Light Yogurt (no sugar added)

Other Vegetables: artichoke, beets, pumpkin, rutabaga, squash

Whole Grain Breads: 100% Whole Wheat, Pumpernickel, Rye, Oat Bran,

Buckwheat, Barley Kernal

Other Grains: barley, basmati, quinoa, 100% whole wheat tortilla wraps

Oatmeal, oat bran

Sweet potato, yam

Wild rice, brown rice



Cereals: All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Chex, Bran


Pasta – any type

New potatoes

Corn, Peas, Parsnips


Ideally, the bulk of carbs on these days should come from legumes and fruits and

a small amount of the starchier carbs listed toward the latter part of the list.

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Additionally, there is no limit to the amount of ―free veggies‖ you consume on

these days.

Acceptable Protein Sources

Beef (steak, ground beef, etc)

Cottage Cheese


Eggs (whole or whites)

Finfish (salmon, tilapia, haddock, mackerel, tuna, bluefish, herring, etc)

Ham (fresh)


Milk protein powders (whey and/or casein)

Pork (tenderloin, chop, etc)

Shellfish (scallops, shrimp, clams, oysters, crab, lobster, etc)

Skinless Chicken (breast, thigh, wing, etc)

Turkey breast

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Acceptable Fat Sources




Cottage Cheese

Cream Fat-containing Meats


Chicken (dark meat)













Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Olive oil

Flax-seed oil

Marine/Fish oils

Udo’s Choice Oil Blend

Hemp Oil Raw Nuts


Brazil Nuts


Peanuts (in moderation)


Walnuts Other

All Natural Peanut Butter (in moderation)

Almond Butter


Flax seeds (ground)


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NOTE: Because some protein sources are also ample sources of fat, they are listed

under both the acceptable proteins and fats lists.

Free Veggies



Brussels Sprouts





Collard Greens




Green Onion


Lettuce – any type




Pepper, Bell


Snow Peas




*Free Veggies can be added to any meal or consumed as a snack throughout the day

on any day.

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Tracking Progress

Tracking progress throughout the course of the 8-week program is critically important to

your overall success.

A very popular saying amongst fitness professionals is ―If you’re not assessing, you’re

just guessing!‖ And that’s essentially true. The only real way to know if something is

working is to regularly assess and track your progress.

With the 24/7 Fat Loss program, we will be using several methods of tracking

progress—scale weight, body fat %, and girth measurements.

Both scale weight and body fat percentage can be assessed via an at home electronic

body fat scale. I recommend Tanita brand, as they’re the trusted, most experienced

brand when it comes to body fat analysis scale brands.

Below are the locations for the various girth measurements you’ll be taking:


Waist (around the navel)


Right Arm

Right Thigh

Right Calf

For arm, thigh, and calf measurements, simply double each to account for the other limb

when calculating total inches lost. For example, if your right thigh measurement has

gone down one inch, it is safe to assume that your left thigh measurement has also

decreased by one inch for a total of two inches lost from both thighs collectively.

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Below are example measurements for a female who used the 24/7 Fat Loss program for

6 weeks:


Starting Week 6 Difference Bust 38‖ 35‖ -3‖ Waist 36‖ 33‖ -3‖ Hips 38‖ 36‖ -2‖ Right Arm 12‖ 11.5‖ -.5‖ x 2 = -1‖ Right Thigh 24‖ 22.5‖ -1.5‖ x 2 = -3‖ Right Calf 12‖ 11.5‖ -.5‖ x 2 = -1‖ Total -13” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When To Measure

Measurements should be taken once every week, the morning of your Cheat Day—

that’s it.

Do not—I repeat; do NOT—weigh yourself daily. Due to the fluctuations in food intake

throughout each week, you will absolutely experience significant fluctuations in water

balance throughout the week causing daily measurements to be all over the place.

With this program, daily scale readings mean nothing. What we are concerned with is

consistent, week to week progress, and that is assessed by taking consistent weekly


One more time: stepping on the scale daily will do nothing more than break your focus

and cause unnecessary stress and worry (which will in turn slow progress)—don’t do it.

With that out of the way, here is how you should be measuring:

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Starting measurements should be taken the day you begin the 24/7 Fat Loss Program,

first thing in the morning before eating anything. This is the way you will always

measure each cycle—first thing in the morning, before eating anything. Consistent

measuring practices ensure consistency and accuracy in your measurements.

From here, measurements will be taken once per week on the morning of your Cheat


You can log your progress easily via the social support forum in the 24/7 Fat Loss

Insiders Access Club. If you're not already an "insider", you can become one for just $1


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Tips and Strategies

Plan, Plan, Plan

Like with anything else, effective planning is a huge factor in your success on the 24/7

Fat Loss program. Simply put, proper planning ensures you’ll have everything already

in place should ―life get in the way‖ (and it will), to prevent you from settling for less than

optimal choices.

To ensure success and to avoid being stuck in a position where you are forced to make

a less than desirable meal selection, I recommend doing three things in advance:

Planning weekly menus, shopping, and cooking (in that order).

Planning Weekly Menus – It’s best to find some time mid-cycle to plan the

menu for the upcoming week. Be sure to take into consideration your schedule,

where you will be, etc (this is the major reason to plan—so you’re never in a

position where what you need is not accessible).

As you plan, jot down a shopping list of items you’ll need to prepare the meals of

your weekly menu. Lastly, realize that no plan is written in stone and can later be

adjusted according to your schedule and any special circumstances that may

arise (including simply being in the mood for something other than what is


Shopping in Advance – Once you have your meal plan for the cycle in place,

you’ll need to go shopping for any item you may not currently have ―in stock‖.

Obtaining all your groceries before the week begins will allow you to easily cook

in advance for additional convenience. I do NOT recommend, however, that you

shop in advance for your Cheat Day. Having those foods ―around‖ on any day

other than the Cheat Day is just creating an unfair temptation for yourself.

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Cooking in Advance – There are three ways to cook in advance: weekly, twice-

weekly, and daily. Personally, I like to go with the middle of the three options, but

let’s quickly review all three.

With the weekly option, you’d spend a few hours on Saturday or Sunday morning

doing all the ―major‖ cooking for the week. You’d then store in the fridge to be

quickly and easily reheated at the designated meal time within your plan.

The twice weekly option is very similar with the exception that you’ll cook two

times each week (once at the beginning of the week and then again mid-week). I

like this option best because it’s still highly convenient, but doesn’t have you

eating week-old food on Thursday and Friday.

Yet another option is to prepare all meals for the day in the morning, but this may

not be realistic for those rushing off to a busy day at work. However, if you are

someone who is generally home throughout the day, this is a great approach.

You also may want to prep all day-time meals beforehand and cook dinner fresh

most evenings; it’s really up to you so long as the approach you choose doesn’t

leave you unprepared at any point.

Additionally, when cooking in advance, you can make things even more

convenient for yourself by storing your prepared meals in individualized single-

meal containers. This way, the only thing required to enjoy your next scheduled

meal is selecting a container from the fridge and popping it in the microwave

briefly. I also recommend picking up some reusable plastic containers for your

individualized meals as they’re cheap (i.e. economical to buy in bulk) and last

quite a while to boot.

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Sticking to the Diet while Out to Eat

While the Cheat Day is obviously free reign, you can still enjoy a meal out on any day of

the diet just by keeping a few basic rules in mind:

1. Always rely on portions. You’ll quickly get a feel for how much food is

appropriate for you for each type day. Stick to that. Just because your entrée

contains what might be considered several portions of protein and carbs doesn’t

mean that you have to eat everything on your plate. Eat one of each and bring

the rest home for later. Or just ask for a lunch sized portion or smaller portion –

most restaurants are easily able to accommodate this request.

2. Order from specialty health menus when possible. Most restaurants have a

section of their menu that specifically caters to dieters. Usually this section will

include both low-carb and low-fat menu options. Generally, regular entrees are

loaded with hidden fat (even if they sound ―healthy‖) so the low-fat choices will

contain a more normal amount of the macronutrient. Go grilled on protein-only

days and have them hold the butter on the veggies.

3. Add, subtract, and substitute where possible. If not ordering from a specialty

menu, you generally have the liberty to substitute side items for a healthier

choice and/or add or subtract an off-limits part of the meal. Depending on the

day, it’s just a smarter choice to sub the carbs for veggies when out to eat.

4. Skip the appetizers and desserts. Your entrée should cover your protein,

carbs, and/or fat needs, and most will leave you with extra to boot, so there’s no

need to add more via appetizers and desserts. Still, it may be difficult to just sit

while others partake in an appetizer, so make the healthier choice and order a

small greens salad with light dressing.

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Q: What drinks (coffee, milk, flavored water, diet sodas, etc) are permitted?

A: The majority of your fluid intake should be water. Strive to consume at least a half

gallon a day, even more on Fast Days.

You may consume non-calorie beverages in moderation (this does not include milk).

The rule is simple: if it has calories, don’t drink it. If it does not have calories, you may

drink it in moderation. 90% of your fluid intake should be water.

Q: I have my calorie and macronutrient needs calculated based on the

information provided in Appendix A, but how do I know how many calories or

how much of a macronutrient is in certain foods?

A: If the food has a label, then you’ll find that exact information on the label, from which

you can choose the appropriate quantity. For things like fruit, veggies, meats, etc, that

do not have labels, it’s really easy to look up this information. The site I recommend is


For example, let’s say you have all your needs calculated and a particular meal calls for

27 grams of protein. You’d like to have chicken so you go to www.NutritionData.com

and type in ―chicken breast‖, select the appropriate listing, and end up on this page:

==> http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/poultry-products/703/2

There is a drop down menu for the serving size at the top of the listing. I always

recommend selecting 1 oz for meats, and then multiplying from there.

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So, we see 1 oz of cooked chicken breast contains 9 grams of protein. So, since we

need 27 grams, we’ll eat 3 oz. Simple as that.

Now, let’s say this is a protein and fat meal and you also need 14 grams of fat. One

tablespoon of butter or any oil contains approximately 14 grams of fat so you’ll use that


3 oz of Chicken Breast, mixed veggies drizzled with one tablespoon of olive oil – there

you go, that’s your meal

Record each meal in your daily Success Journal Log Sheets.

Once you do this for a couple days, the whole process become VERY easy and you’ll

know exactly how much to eat.

Here are a couple of standard measurements for your convenience:

1 oz cooked lean meat = 9 grams of protein

1 tablespoon of any oil or butter = 14 grams of fat

1/4 cup of nuts = 14 grams of fat

For other foods www.NutritionData.com is a great resource.

**By the way, if you didn’t purchase the Accelerator Pack, you can still purchase the

Done-for-You Calorie Calculator for just $9.95 HERE.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

Q: What if I go over my calorie or macronutrient needs for a particular meal?

A: That’s more than fine. You’re not going to hit the individual meal numbers right on

the head with each meal, rather those numbers should be looked at more as guidelines

to help you achieve your daily totals, which are the figures that matter most.

So, if you were to go over by 5 grams of protein in one meal, you can make up for it by

eating 5 grams less in another. As long as you are coming within 5% of your daily totals

for each macronutrient at the end of the day, you’re good to go.

Q: Do I need to count the calories from the pre-bed meal of each day (1 scoop of

Prograde Protein® + 1 serving of Prograde EFA Icon®)?

A: No, since this meal is always the same every day, I automatically considered it when

determining the formulas for calculating your daily calorie and macronutrient needs.

Just count the first 5 meals each day and put the pre-bed meal on autopilot .

Q: How many grams of fat am I “allowed” to have in my Protein + Carb meals and

how many grams of carbs am I allowed to have in my Protein + Fat meals? It

seems that most foods contain at least some of each nutrient. And do I have to

count these “extra” grams in my daily totals?

A: You’ll find that most foods do contain small amount of other nutrients. For example,

most protein sources, even very lean cuts of meat, contain some fat and some fat

sources, like nuts, contain a small amount of carbs.

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The rule is this: Strive to keep the ―unwanted‖ nutrient to less than 10 grams for that

meal. In other words, for protein + fat meals, strive to keep carbs under 10 grams, and

for protein + carb meals, strive to keep fat under 10 grams.

To answer your second question, yes, these ―extra‖ grams do need to be counted

toward your daily total. Keep a record of your meals each day and subtract from

another meal. For example, let’s say a Protein + Fat meal you consume contains 4

grams of carbs. Simply subtract those carbs from a future Protein + Carb meal.

Again, the major focus should be arriving within 5% of your daily targets at the end of

the each day.

Q: If I have a social activity planned on another day other than my scheduled

Cheat Day, is there a way I can switch my Cheat Day?

Yes, you can permanently switch your Cheat Day (which we will discuss in the next

question), or you can temporarily switch it on an ―as needed‖ basis for special events,


For example, let’s say that you have a birthday party to attend on a Thursday evening,

but your normal Cheat Day is regularly scheduled for Saturday (a day in which you don’t

really have anything planned that particular week). Do you have to tough it out

Thursday (and abstain from all the goodies present) and wait it out until Saturday?


You can easily change your Cheat Day to Thursday with one easy super simple switch-

a-roo: just swap the two days completely.

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In other words, whatever you were supposed to be doing diet wise on Thursday, do that

on your Cheat Day, and then move the Cheat Day to Thursday so you can enjoy the


Naturally, this isn’t something that you’d want to do every week (it’s ideal to have

consistency with your Cheat Days from week to week), but the occasional swap is A-


Q: What if I’d like permanent Cheat Day to be another day other than Sunday?

For instance, our family is generally very social on Saturday and I think having

my Cheat Day on this day would be most ideal for me.

No problem. There’s no magic to Sunday. Go ahead and make the switch to literally

any day of the week you’d like, and then follow the diet on the other 6 days as outlined.

Q: Are there any long-term negative health effects that I should be concerned

about with the regular indulgence of the 24/7 Fat Loss Diet program?

A: I get this question a lot, and it’s kind of silly when you think about it. With the 24/7

Fat Loss program, you’re rapidly losing weight and increasing your physical fitness – do

you think that one day of enjoying some of your favorite foods is going to negate all

those positive adaptations and the extremely healthy choices that you are making

during the other 80% of the plan? I’m sure you see my point, but just in case, that

answer is ―No, it’s not.‖

That said, please understand that if you have any medical conditions whatsoever, you

must clear you participation in any weight loss program (including this one) with your

physician first.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

Q: What about special populations such as diabetics or those with

cardiovascular disease? Is this diet safe for them?

A: Piggy-backing off of the last question, I want to make sure I’m clear here: consult

with your doctor before beginning any exercise program to make sure it is a good fit for

you, and always, always follow his or her advice.

Q: On what Days should I consume a post-workout beverage like Prograde


Prograde Workout is recommended on days in which you perform Metabolic Resistance

Training; post-workout nutrition is not recommended on other days of the program.

Remember to use the code 247fl to save 15% on your order.

Q: I’m still a little anxious about a full day of dietary indulgence; can’t I just have

a single cheat meal?

A: Not if you want to experience the best results. Research has proven that cheat

―meals‖ DO NOT WORK for substantially replenishing leptin levels. For that to happen,

you need a prolonged period of overfeeding (8 to 12 hours), not a single meal.

Sure, cheat meals are a nice psychological outlet, but that’s where it ends. If you are

looking for the physiological benefit of faster fat loss, then you need to take a leap of

faith and trust me with the approach I’ve recommended here. Cheat Days, not meals,

prevent diet plateaus and help bring about steady, consistent, fast fat loss each and

every cycle. Use them.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

Q: Do you recommend the use of any “damage control” supplements for the

Cheat Day?

A: Some people will try to use insulin-mimicking substances such as ALA or r-ALA on

their Cheat Days as a means of ―damage control‖ so to speak, but I am of the opinion

that these substances may potentially interfere with the natural upregulation of leptin

and other hormones that we are trying to achieve. That, and I don’t see any real benefit

to supplementing with anything on your Cheat Day. Just eat and let your hormones

naturally do what they know to do when you provide your body with surplus calories.

Q: I’m a petite female and my calorie intake on Non Resistance Training Diet

Days is coming out really low, just under 1000 calories – is this right?

A: One population the calorie formulas tend to be tricky for are petite females (generally

5’3‖ and shorter) who because of their smaller size naturally don’t have a large sum of

lean body mass relative to taller individuals. For example, let’s take someone who is

5’1‖ and weights 120 lbs @ 22% body fat. Her lean body mass would be 96.5 lbs.

At 22% body fat, we’d use the calorie multiplier of 10 x LBM on Non Resistance Training

Diet Days. This equates to 965 calories, and yes, that’s a bit low.

Ideally, we’d like calorie intake on these days to average at least 1100 calories, so

adding 100 to 150 calories on each day for this population is OK.

Q: I weight 180 lbs and using the BCAA calculations need 54 grams of BCAAs on

Fast Days? Since each capsule is .5 grams, that means I need to take 108

capsules on Fast Days? Is that healthy?

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A: Remember, BCAAs are simply ―super‖ protein. So, it’s the protein equivalent of

eating about 6 oz of cooked chicken, which is completely healthy. The reason why

BCAAs come in capsules is because the powder tastes HORRIBLE if you were to just

try to mix it or swallow it. Kind of similar to fish oil – they encapsulate it to save your

taste buds. But yes, it’s completely fine and healthy.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

Appendix A: Calculating Lean Body Mass and Macronutrient Breakdown

**If you purchased the Accelerator Pack, just use the Done-for-You Calculator and

skip this section completely. If you did not purchase the Accelerator Pack, but

don’t feel like being bothered with manually doing all the below calculations, the

Done-for-You Calorie Calculator calculates EVERYTHING for you (you just enter

your weight and estimated body fat percentage, and it does the rest), and can still

be purchased for just $9.95 HERE.

Lean Body Mass (LBM) and Calorie Needs

Your lean body mass is your weight, minus your body fat. For example, if you weigh

200 lbs at 20% body fat (40 lbs of fat), then your lean body mass is 160 lbs (200 – 40).

With that data you can then determine your calorie and macronutrient needs.

Here is a recap of the calorie needs for each day:

Resistance Training Diet Day: Total calories equate to 12 x LBM. Macro breakdown

of 35% protein, 40% carbs, 25% fat. (3 P+C meals followed by 2 P+F meals).

Non Resistance Training Diet Day: Total calories equate to 10 x LBM. Macro

breakdown of 40% protein, 10% carbs, 50% fat. (5 P+F meals).

So, let’s take the Resistance Training Diet Day for example along with our ―sample‖

individual at 200 lbs and 20% body fat.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

Again, to calculate lean body mass, simply subtract fat weight from total weight (the left

over is lean body mass; everything except fat). Here are the simple formulas.

Total Weight x Body Fat % = Fat Weight

Total Weight – Fat Weight = Lean Body Mass

Plugging the numbers in:

200 x 20% = 40 lbs

200 – 40 = 160 lbs

This individual has a lean body mass of 160 lbs. From there we can easily calculate

calories for a Resistance Training Diet Day: 160 (LBM) x 12 (calories per pound) =

1920 calories

We also know that 35% of this should come from protein, 40% carbs, and 25% fat,

giving us the calorie totals per macronutrient of:

1920 (total calories) x 35% (protein) = 672 calories from protein

1920 (total calories) x 40% (carbs) = 768 calories from carbs

1920 (total calories) x 25% (fat) = 480 calories from fat

To convert these caloric values to grams for easy counting, we can divide by the caloric

values of each which are as follows:

Fat: 9 cal per gram

Protein: 4 cal per gram

Carbohydrates: 4 cal per gram

This means that the 200 lb individual in our example should be consuming 54 grams of

fat (480 / 9), 168 grams of protein (672 / 4), and 192 grams of carbohydrate (768 /4).

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.

The cool thing about converting everything to grams is that you no longer have to worry

about counting calories. You simply count the grams of each macronutrient you

consume as indicated in the nutrition facts.

This makes things much easier considering the way our food labels are organized. If

you are unsure as to the nutrition content of a particular product, you can look up the

info easily at an online nutrition database such as www.NutritionData.com or


From there we’d then determine the macronutrient needs for each specific meal. On

Moderate Calorie Days, we are consuming 3 P+C Meals followed by 2 P+F meals, for a

total of 5 portions of protein and 3 portions of carbs, and 2 portions of fat.

Using the numbers we came up with previously, this gives us a per meal breakdown of:

Fat: 54 total grams / 2 meals = 27g of fat per P+F meal

Carbs: 192 total grams / 3 meals = 64g of carbs per P+C meal

Protein: 168 total grams / 5 meals = 34g per meal


Each P+C meal would be roughly 34g of protein + 64g of carbs (minimal fat)

Each P+F meal would be roughly 34g of protein + 27g of fat (minimal carbs)

We can then do the same thing for the Non Resistance Training Diet Days.

This individual again has a lean body mass of 160 lbs (200 lbs total weight, 20% body

fat). From there we can easily calculate calories for a Non Resistance Training Diet

Day: 160 (LBM) x 8 (calories per pound) = 1600 calories

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We also know that 40% of this should come from protein, 10% carbs, and 50% fat,

giving us the calorie totals per macronutrient of:

1600 (total calories) x 40% (protein) = 640 calories from protein

1600 (total calories) x 10% (carbs) = 160 calories from carbs

1600 (total calories) x 50% (fat) = 800 calories from fat

To convert these caloric values to grams for easy counting, we can divide by the caloric

values of each which are as follows:

Fat: 9 cal per gram

Protein: 4 cal per gram

Carbohydrates: 4 cal per gram

This means that the 200 lb individual in our example should be consuming 89 grams of

fat (800 / 9), 160 grams of protein (640 / 4), and 40 grams of carbohydrate (160 / 4).

From there we’d then determine the macronutrient needs for each specific meal. On

1,000 Calorie Diet Days, we are consuming 5 P+F Meals calling for 5 portions of protein

and 5 portions of fat.

Using the numbers we came up with previously, this gives us a per meal breakdown of:

Fat: 89 total grams / 5 meals = 18g of fat per P+F meal

Protein: 160 total grams / 5 meals = 32g per meal

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved.


Each P+F meal would be roughly 32g of protein + 18g of fat (minimal carbs)

Also, as mentioned previously there will be "trace" amounts of carbs in that

naturally occur in your protein and fat sources. Just aim to keep carbs under

10% of calories on these days, which in our above example is 40 grams of carbs

**If you purchased the Accelerator Pack, just use the Done-for-You Calculator and

don’t worry about anything in this section completely. If you did not purchase

the Accelerator Pack, but don’t feel like being bothered with manually doing all

the above calculations, the Done-for-You Calorie Calculator calculates

EVERYTHING for you (you just enter your weight and estimated body fat

percentage, and it does the rest), and can still be purchased for just $9.95 HERE.